Who We Are

Student Alumni establishes meaningful connections between students, alumni and the university. Additionally, Student Alumni educates students on what it means to be active and engaged alumni, who give of their time, talents, and treasure to their alma mater.
BYU Student Alumni Association is focused on bridging the gaps. Our aim is to make the BYU Experience well-rounded -- thinking and continuing beyond our academic experience by connecting with and creating opportunities between students and alumni.
Becoming Leaders
We believe that an important part of the BYU experience is learning how to be a leader now and the future. Want to develop leadership skills? Come get involved with us!
Finding Mentors
We see the value in helping students make meaningful connections with BYU Alumni. We're here to help you do that. Want to connect with a scientist, photographer, coder, dentist, lawyer, professional cookie baker? Get started with BYU Connect
Serving Your Community
We help students give back to the BYU community while here, as well as in the future through various events and year-round programs. Want to start giving back? Get involved with Choose 2 Give!
Promoting Traditions
Student Alumni nurtures and develops an affinity for BYU through traditions among students and alumni.